This is mostly because i am up to my head with new projects, BPM, SOA, BI and other fusion middleware technologies. Also because:
- we are using Jdeveloper that is stable
- we are using more or less the well known functionality
- end users have started to get used to ADF functionality
Actually its a fancy functionality that make the table look nice and works fine with navitating either with mouse or by 'Tab' or arrows.
It is easy to implement, just set editingMode="clickToEdit" in editable ADF table.
everything works fine apart from the Date picker that does not work in Firefox 17 and it is not related with click to edit functionality (see )
Everything work fine until you press CreateInsert button.
Then a new row is inserted and highlighted yet it is not editable, the previous selected row is editable.
If you click on any other row by mouse nothing happens, rows don't become editable.
Arrows navigation don't work and If you try to navigate with tab it never go to the new row.
So the only applicable action is to click with mouse in the new row.
If you make a mistake not to fill the required fields and click on a different row, then validation errors appear as expected.
After that if you press rollback, even if it seems that the table is back to normal some rows are not editable any more when you click on them.
Sometimes rows display as duplicate on the table with these steps.
So it seems that click to edit functionality does not work properly for newly created rows on editable tables.
What we do to override this is that we create a popup dialog for new row data to be inserted and committed before they are editable in the table.
Test Case