Milos showed me this bug the other day and I could not believe it.
Number precision and scale does not work correctly in default ADF input field.
I searched metalink, I could not find something relevant
I reproduced it in a simple test case with Employees view object.
Employees Table has Salary field which is NUMBER(8,2) and CommissionPct NUMBER(2,2)
I also added a field on Employees table TO_PAY which is NUMBER(20,5)
I created a default input form.
When I try to enter value 123456.78 to salary which is a valid value I could not enter 8 digit
When I try to enter value 0.12 to CommissionPct I could not enter either 1 or 2 digit
When I try to enter value -123456789012345.12345 to ToPay field I could not enter the last 2 fields.
This issue is because when you drag and drop items on page it set precision the precision of the number ignoring fragment separator, sign symbol or 0 before fragment separator.
This is defined in input field property: maximumLength="#{bindings.Salary.hints.precision}"
You can eather remove maximumLength or set it to "#{bindings.Salary.hints.precision+1}" for Salary or +2 for percentages or even +3 for cases that you have only fragment digits like CommissionPct but you could also put negative number.
Take also into account that in some locale the negative number may have (###) format, meaning that you need +4 on maximumLength.
Also the number converter does not work correctly for numbers with more than 3 digits.
I tried to put 12345.12345 in ToPay field but when I submit I get back 12345.123 loosing the last 2 digits.
I try to fix this by setting ToPay converter min and maxFractionDigits
af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
minFractionDigits="5" maxFractionDigits="5"
then I could enter, see and submit all 5 fraction digits.But when I try on an empty field to put number 123456789012345.12345 it is automatically converted to 123456789012345.12000 when I press tub. When I change it again it works ok.
Are these bugs?
Test case: